

An art exhibit featuring new work by:

Melvin Halsey Jr. (Tampa, FL)
Christopher Clark (Cooli Ras Art) (Jacksonville, FL)

The two artists are inspired by each another's creative energy and support. Their styles are different, however tied together visually with elements of African and Caribbean culture.

Hosted on May 19, 2018 the opening of "Ancient Roots" - Two Florida based artists display a never before exhibited body of paintings, digital on canvas, and multi-media works in this unique experience at Mergeculture Gallery in Tampa Heights.


Hands down one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I create art for myself and I never imagined that it would be worthy enough to be featured in an exhibit or even sold for that matter. Through this event I was able to learn how my art resonated with other people through explaining my thought process when creating the pieces, but more importantly the messages conveyed in the artworks. 9 out of 10 of my created pieces sold that night which totally blew my mind! I’m forever grateful to Tony and Michelle for making this happen.

“There I am greeted by my favorite piece of the night, ‘SOUL OF THE MOTHERLAND’, by Melvin
Halsey Jr. Also implementing a yellow circle as a background to contrast and frame the face, this
piece stares at you with a boldness. The female subject in native garb has her breast exposed
reminiscent of Gauguin, not in style but subject matter. This native woman is all the more glorified,
almost deified, with the yellow halo encircling her head. She is a Madonna and the SOUL OF THE
MOTHERLAND.” - Micheal Sinclair, Savage City Blog